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Also Available at Tsukiji Fish Market Book Shop called "Sumida Shobo" Jyonai 8 ban kan:
The book entitled "Tokyo Fish Market" is a self commissioned project by me and my good friend Ken, the writer. We felt the need to produce this book as there are plans to demolish this historic market and relocate to another site in Tokyo where a new market is currently under initial stages of construction. Access to the auction & wholesale areas has become very difficult recently and tourists are under strict orders not to disturb any of the locals as they go about their business in a highly energized environment with very limited space. Their patience for rubber necked Tourists can wear thin but despite this most are very accommodating. This book is filled with loads of great images that are quite difficult to capture for those not skilled in the art of photography in this type of environment. The Book contains valuable statistical and historical information provided by Ken, a Tuna broker here on the Market for over 20 years. This would make a great present and a kind reminder of this amazing place soon to be relegated to the shelves of history. A must have on any book shelf at home or work.
$AUD 25